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Team & trusted advisors

360° coverage by experts from the industry

Board of Directors

Vladimir Liulka

Chairman & Co-founder

Alexander Janssen

Board Director

Frieder Strohm

Board Director

Martin Polak

Board Director

Leadership Team

Ihor Honcharov

Head of marketing

Ihor built his career in sport marketing from advertising manager up to head of digital marketing. He has an experience of launching fan products like fan app, building marketing strategies and content creation.

Bohdan Yurchuk


Bohdan has been working in IT area since 2017 and holds a Master of Economic Cybernetic. Passionate about developing complex solutions, self-learning and teaching team-mates. Bohdan has solid development expertise in high-load ready applications on AWS.

Andrii Havryliuk

Head of Product

Experience Business Analyst and Product Manager from the Sports and Betting industries.

Samir Ceric


Senior executive of finance, telecom and tech business, former Chairman of football club, investor and entrepreneur with 20+ years of experience in Asia and the Balkans region.

Dimitrios Syrmis

Client success manager

Dimitrios has worked in a variety of roles in the sports business and events always close to the fans. He is taking care of our clients and driving initiatives to engage their fans and create new revenues for them.

Board of Advisors

Bouker Pool

Business advisor

Sam Li

Strategy advisor

Dr. Vassilios Koutsogiannakis

Legal advisor

Faisal Hassounah

Business advisor

Peter Warman

Strategy advisor

Mark Goddard

Business advisor